These are two of the spreads I designed and illustrated for in The Rampage magazine. Over my fours years working on Bluefield College’s student newspaper, I designed (and helped design) many layouts and design materials. For the magazine, which is the print version of the newspaper, one of the main design elements was the use of the category colors on spread to create cohesion. In the front right spread you can see this clearly, as I used the artwork purple in many places through out the spread. The key in this design is that the color does not start to overshadow the actual content. I did the layout for the both spreads in InDesign. The purple frames were made in Adobe Illustrator, while the Opinions illustration was made with a combination of Illustrator and Procreate.
About Clara Blevins
Hi! My name is Clara and I am graphic designer, currently working at Payne Publishers. Read more...